Action Commander - Game Animation Tool Action Constraint Builder - Set Driven Key Bonera - Manual Rigging Toolkit Chronos Timeline - Frame Range Management Favorite Collection Game Rig Tools Human Primitives Marker Manager - Timeline Marker Utilities Pseudo Object Layer Radiant - Light Management Tool RIG2U5 - Rigging & Exporting characters for games, made easier Sculpt Smooth Brush Slider Set Driven Key - Value Bundle Shapekey Driver Builder - Set Driven Key Smooth Preview Timeline Buttons Tool Pie Menu Vertex Group Plus - Enhanced Vertex Group & Utilities Viewfinder - Camera Management Tool

TinkerBoi Product Support


Common Self Diagnose

There are a few steps you can try to attempt to resolve your problem before reporting your problem as bugs


If the Problems happens after you update to a New Version of the Addon


Many Problems of the addon are caused by User Updating Addon without first Removing the older version of addon

This can be solve by removing the addon (not disable but remove), and then installing it again


- Restarting Blender


Have you tried turning Blender off and back on Again, sometimes this will solve the issue




Alternative Channel


Before Submitting, There are Other Alternative You can Consider to Get Support


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