Chronos Timeline - Frame Range Management

Chronos Timeline is a Blender addon that helps you to break down your scene using a list of frame ranges that you can quickly switch to
Chronos Timeline
Chronos Timeline is a Blender addon that helps you to break down your scene using a list of frame ranges that you can quickly switch to
When animating a scene in Blender, very often you are will need to breakdown the scene into smaller chunks to work on.
To achieve that, you will need to change your frame range very often to check your animation
Chronos Timeline will help you in this, by allowing you to create a list of frame range that you want to quickly switch to. Allowing you to divide and conquer, and focus on smaller sections of the scene.
Highlighted Features
Below Are the Highlighted Features in Chronos Timeline
Frame Range Switching
This is the core feature of Chronos Timeline
This feature allows you to save a list of frame range that you can quickly switch back to later.
Check out: Frame Range List
Auto Frame Range
You can set Blender to automatically set its frame range in real time, depending on the context / settings.
This also works for both NLA Strips and Sequencer Strips.
Check out: Auto Frame Range
With Framerate Remapping, you can remap a Animation from one framerate to another framerate while keeping the similar timing / speed of animation
Check out: Frame Rate Remapping
Find Out more about the addon on Chronos Timeline Documentation
Kindly Report Any Bugs to me so that I can Fix it as soon as possible
Chronos Timeline 1.0.0 - 26/08/2024
- Initial Beta Release