Smooth Preview
Smooth preview is an addon intended to emulate the "3" in maya. It toggles the the subdivision surface of multiple objects. Works on multiple selected objects
Smooth Preview
Smooth preview is an addon intended to emulate the “3” in maya. It toggles the the subdivision surface of multiple objects. Works on multiple selected objects
It adds Smooth On / Off and Modifier On / Off there is a Drop Down you can use to Set the Subdivision Level and a Button to Apply the Subdivision / Modifiers
The Addon Also expose the Wireframe Overlay for more easier toggle
Wireframe Overlay
Just easy access to wireframe overlay toogle.
Turn on the Viewport Display and Render Display of the Subdivision Surface modifier of the selected object.
Also apply shade smooth to the selected objects.
If subdivision surface modifier is not found in object, it will create one instead.
Turn off the Viewport Display and Render Display of the Subdivision Surface modifier of the selected object
Also apply shade flat to the selected objects.
If subdivision surface modifier is not found in object, it will create one instead.